Social Media + Copyright

Social media can be a great way to build your brand, but it can also create some unexpected challenges. For example, if you post content from another website or video that’s protected by copyright law, you could be the one facing the consequences. Read this article for ways to make sure your social media accounts don’t get shut down for posting copyrighted material!

Let’s talk about how to stay out of copyright infringement trouble on social media.

In the end, what matters most is that you stay out of trouble. If you need help understanding the legal issues surrounding copyright infringement, here are some things to keep in mind: Copyright infringement can have serious consequences for both individuals and businesses. For example, if you use someone else’s copyrighted material without permission and it gets noticed by a copyright holder or their representative (like an attorney), they may send a cease-and-desist letter demanding that you stop using their work immediately or face legal action from them in court. This can lead to fines or even jail time depending on how serious the offense was–so it’s best not to risk it!

Post Original Content

When posting original content, make sure that you are using the right type of account. If you are a business, it is best to register your account on Instagram as a business account. Many are tempted to categorize their business account under personal because it allows for more sounds and less restrictions. It’s important to pick the correct type of account so you stay out of trouble!

Also avoid posting under someone else’s brand name or logo without permission. You can get yourself into trouble by doing so because it will look like they gave permission for their name/logo being used when they didn’t actually give such consent–and this could lead people who saw your post thinking that there was some kind of relationship between those two parties (when there wasn’t).

Make Sure You’re Using the Right Account Type

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you’re using the right type of account. If you’re going to post copyrighted content, then it’s best that your account be a personal one–not a business or promotional one. This way, if someone does sue or report you for copyright infringement, they won’t be able to go after any assets associated with your company or organization.

Next up: make sure your content isn’t too similar to other people’s work! The more original and unique your posts are (and have been), the less likely they’ll ever be flagged by an algorithm as being similar enough to another piece out there on social media sites like Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/etc.

Thirdly: don’t forget about photos! If someone else took those photos first (or even owned them), then their legal rights trump yours- even if it’s just by default because there aren’t any contracts involved here yet either way; all we know is that whoever took those pictures first owns them now unless otherwise stated explicitly somewhere else outside these parameters which would allow us access.


We hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new about social media and copyright. We know that it can be a difficult topic to understand, so we tried our best to make things as easy as possible for everyone involved. If you have any questions or concerns about anything we discussed today, please feel free to reach out!